A sleep study is commonly performed to investigate the following symptoms:
Un-refreshing sleep
Daytime sleepiness
Breath-holding episodes during sleep
Loud snoring (to find out evidence of sleep apnea)
Leg twisting/restless legs at night
Abnormal behaviours at night (violent and non-violent behaviour in sleep)
During sleep there are changes in the brain and body. Disrupted or poor quality sleep may affect mood changes or person has a tendency to become irritable, fatigued, unable to concentrate and usually disoriented. Performance of mental and physical tasks deteriorates. Some individuals experience paranoid thoughts and auditory visual, and tactile illusions or hallucinations.
To fully understand many sleep-related problems, we need to conduct an overnight sleep study. During the study, the sleep technician monitor and record the electrical activity of the brain and muscles during sleep, as well as eye movements, hearth rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, leg movements and body position and how they affect your sleep throughout the night.
Problems that can be diagnosed from an overnight sleep study may include:
Sleep Apnea when a person has repeated breath-holding spells during sleep.
Other breathing problems e.g. shallow breathing (hypoventilation)Leg movements that disturb sleep - (Restless Leg Syndrome)
Teeth grinding (bruxism) that can disturb sleep.
Behaviour changes during sleep such as sleep walking or acting out dreams.
A periodic state of rest accompanied by varying degrees of unconsciousness and relative inactivity. The need for and value of sleep is obvious, yet the explanation of why it is so effective in providing a daily renewal of a feeling of health and well-being is lacking.
Although sleep is a time of resting, some of the body systems are actually more active during sleep than when awake.
Many parts of the brain controls and influence the different stages of sleep.
These sleep stages include:
Drowsiness (stage 1 sleep)
Light sleep (stage 2)
Deep sleep (slow wave sleep) and Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep the sleep stage when most dreaming occurs)
The sleep technologist who monitors patients determines these stages by measuring different activities of the brain and body. These activities include brain waves, eye movement and muscle tone.
Videotaping during sleep is also performed with patients consent for some sleep disorders such as sleepwalking or talking, restless limb movements or teeth grinding.
NOTE: Patient MUST sign a consent form prior to the sleep study. This is one of frequently asked questions by most patients. Malvern Sleep Clinic technologist explains about the procedures prior the sleep study in the set up room. In fact, most patients have no trouble sleeping despite wearing the electrodes and other recording equipment attached to their body.